Friday, September 30, 2022

Does Your Exhibit House Hold You Hostage?

So often during our years in this industry we find things that happen that make you really shake your head in wonder and often even disgust. If you have followed me at all, you know that we believe in partnerships, and relationships.

Every week while talking to new clients and/or prospects we are asked if we can produce graphics for their existing trade show exhibit. Within reason our answer is typically yes. We can reproduce graphics for almost any structure and system.  

But here is where it occasionally gets interesting.

There are a couple local companies, one that we come across more frequently, that refuse to give out graphic dimensions and specs for their products. Yes, you heard me right. Even if the customer owns and stores their own exhibits, this particular "competitor" will not release their graphic dimensions and specs without a purchase order.  In other words, you already purchased an exhibit and graphics from them, but if you want new graphics you have to go through them, and they won't provide the specs without you committing to a purchase. 

Now, this doesn't mean, we can't help you, it just makes it more difficult for us to do so. I am sure that is the intent of these exhibit houses.  What I will tell you, is that if we feel we cannot help you with your graphics, we will let you know. Honesty is always the best policy. 

So, my question is, if you are taking care of your client, why are you so afraid to share that information with them? If you are providing good product, at a fair price combined with great service, why would they look elsewhere? What are you afraid of? Someone doing it for a lower price?  Someone providing a better product? 

My suggestion to end users/exhibitors is to make sure you get any technical drawings, install/setup instructions and graphic dimensions when you purchase a new exhibit. Keep them in a place where you will remember them! If you make modifications to your structure, update your records. If you decide you need to look for a new exhibit partner, then you have all the information you need to help them help you.

We always tell people; we are a full disclosure company. We will always be honest with you. We will always tell you the good and the bad of any situation. We will share any hard truths that are required. We will do everything in our power to make things right for you and a pleasant experience.

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