Friday, February 18, 2022

Your Competitors Love You!

 I have been a bit silent here of late. It felt like what I had to say just didn't have value. There is such a mix of opinions about whether live events like trade shows are safe, have value or should even be a thing. The unfortunate reality is the topic can still be divisive for some and a bit depressing for us. So, I have kept quiet.

On the flip side of those feelings are facts. We are CRAZY busy. We are busier than we were pre-covid. We have taken on MANY new clients in the last 10 months and have built MANY new exhibits. I talk a lot about gratitude and after the previous 18 months we have so much respect and gratitude for the companies that are committing to getting back out there at trade shows and events.

Here is just a little advice.

I received an email from a prospect about a month ago. It was one of the most depressing emails that I have ever received. The gist was, he was going to the show, but he didn't want to, he really wanted his money back, wasn't taking any staff, wasn't taking their big booth and thought it was going to be a waste of time and money. That same week a customer backed out of a trade show they have done for many years.  The show went on, but they weren't going to go. It really discouraged me for a moment. 

Luckily the next conversations I had were the COMPLETE OPPOSITE. People have been having amazing results at trade shows. Attendance may be down slightly, but that gives exhibitors more time to spend with people. The quality of the attendee is up, and they are coming back from shows with more qualified leads than they had pre-pandemic.


So, you wonder why I say your competitors love you? If you don't show up at a trade show and your exhibit space is empty? Or, if you have been there for years and all of a sudden you aren't? Your grace period is over. People notice and your competitors are glad you aren't there, and they are happy to talk to your prospects and clients!

The comments our clients have gotten about empty exhibits at trade shows?  Oh, they must have gone out of business if they aren't here.  Or, I'm glad they aren't here, I got to talk to a number of their clients. 

It is ALL about attitude. If you go into a show believing it is going to be a waste of time and money?  Guess what, it is going to be a waste of time and money. If you go to the show excited to be back face to face with people? You will have a good show!

Read more about it here on Trade Show News Network - GREAT article.

It's time to get back to business.  It's time to show up again.

Make sure you show up in style.

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