Monday, May 10, 2021

Doing Nothing is NOT a Strategy

Ugggh. Seriously. UGGGGHHHHH.  No I am not reverting to cave woman status I am so frustrated with people that are just doing NOTHING for trade shows or events. I talk to multiple people every day. Customers, prospects, suppliers and there is a recent theme with a few of the people.

Lori:  "What are your plans for the remainder of 2021? What shows are you planning on exhibiting at?"

Customer/Prospect: "None!" (said rather incredulously) "We may be walk a show but we aren't planning on exhibiting at any shows until 2022."


So let's look at some feedback we are getting from our customers and prospects.

Here are some things I have been told recently.

"I really wish we had exhibited."

"Attendance was down, but decent."

"The time we got to spend and the people that were there were much higher quality than normal."

"We didn't exhibit and our email and phone's were going crazy with people wondering if we were ok, were we still in business. They missed us!"

"We picked up some business from our competitors that did NOT exhibit. It was GREAT!"

Trade Show News Network reports that over 85% of exhibitors and attendees plan on being at live events.  How can you afford to not exhibit?  Live Events Are Back! Read Here.

Let me just tell you, NOT being at a show that you have exhibited at for years sends a message that you may not want.  Here are some suggestions if you really feel you shouldn't go to the show.

1.  GO.  Exhibit.  Period.  End of discussion.

2.  Get a smaller booth space and use a smaller exhibit.

3.  Don't have an exhibit?  Rent one, but EXHIBIT.

You may think this is a very self serving post. I promise you it is not. I don't care if you buy or rent an exhibit from me (well, I would love if you did, but that is really not my point). Don't be short sided and lose market, business and have people wonder about you. 

Trade show venues have been and are ready to host safe events!  Need help?  Email: or call 952-941-4511.

If you like what you read, please share it!

Lori Hanken has been in sales and marketing for over 30 years. She is passionate about service and providing value to her vendors, prospects and clients. Lori is currently co-owner of Total Displays with her husband David. They help people look great at events, trade shows, in retail, museums and develop long partnerships with customers and suppliers. If you would like to learn more, email her at She is an open networker, connect with her on LinkedIn here.

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