Thursday, June 16, 2022

Why Trade Show Exhibit Companies LOVE the "Freeman's" Of Our Industry

If you get the opportunity to visit with us face to face sometime to talk trade shows, you may notice something if "Freeman" comes up in conversations. 

You may say things such as:

- We use Freeman labor to set up our exhibit

- Oh, we are just renting an exhibit from Freeman

- Oh, we are renting furniture from Freeman

We may visibly grimace. We may even gasp or groan.

Today I am going to share some stories that may make your eyes cross or your hair stand on end. If you are in the trade show exhibit producer industry you will understand 100% and I am sure have your own love stories.

This week, for us was just more than I could bear without saying something.

This is in random order.

1. Our freight carrier showed up in Orlando to pick up from 3 clients. Freeman would not release the freight to them because the material handling agreement had our old address on it. So, let's talk about this for a moment. Freeman will do WHATEVER they can to hijack freight that is already booked on another carrier. Why, you may ask? More $$$$$$.  

2. We spoke with a prospect that wanted to understand our installation & dismantle (I & D) services all over the country.  They hired Freeman to set up their exhibit. Freeman NEVER SHOWED UP. That left this exhibitor scrambling to get their staff to set up their island exhibit.

3. A 5 crate exhibit was coming back to us from Infocomm.  All of our crates are clearly marked DO NOT STACK. Not only did they stack crates? They ripped the hasps off a brand new crate and then...

Drum roll please....

They used the forks of the forklift to rip of the skids from the bottom of the crate so that they could stack the crates together. The top crate probably weighs 1000 pounds and now has no skids for a fork lift to pick it up and move it. It is on top of another crate. This was a BRAND NEW CRATE that they destroyed intentionally. Our driver saw them do it and then load both crates into the truck.

I love the photo of the crate stacked directly on top of the crate that clearly says:


Broken hasps happen.  We get it.  But a brand new crate?
Here you can see where the skid used to be.  They ripped it right off.

So much room here to get forklift tines to lift that crate off the top of the second crate.  Sarcasm intended.

Here are two smaller crates they also chose to stack. At least they left the skids on this one so we can get it down.

So please forgive us for openly sharing our love of Freeman when you mention using them for anything except those things that are absolutely necessary. We love you and don't want you to be hurt.

What are your Freeman love stories?

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